Riverwood Photography

Tomatoes on Earth Day

Tomato Seedlings on Earth Day

Tomato's on Earth Day

This is just a quick share for today… I seeded my tomatoes about 2 weeks ago to ensure that they will be ready for planting outside as soon as it’s warm enough. I found a really great place for them near a south-facing window and to my amazement they started to germinate after only a few days! This is the fastest I’ve ever had tomatoes sprouting up and I’m excited about the crop of fresh fruit I’m sure to get this summer! I have such a green thumb! Ha!

Anyway, they looked so great in the light of the spring sunshine streaming in through the window that I had to make a few pictures, and since it’s Earth day today I thought I would share them here too!

What are you doing to celebrate Earth Day??

Here are a couple more images for your enjoyment…

These images are typical examples of product photography that I can offer to Calgary businesses. If you have a product that you need to show off on your website, advertisement, or catalog, please give me a call to see how I can help you!

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