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Free Desktop Wallpaper for December 2017 – Foothills Sunrise

This month's calendar features a landscape image from the foothills to the west of Calgary at sunrise. These old barns, grain bins, and other random farm equipment are widely spread throughout the prairies and I love to photograph them whenever I can! This is the best time of year to see the amazing sunrises and sunsets near Calgary since so many people are out and about at those times of the days in winter. Everyone should take the opportunity to go for a drive out on the prairies before or after work to see for themselves how beautiful this time of year is!

2020-11-16T15:27:13-07:00By |Wallpaper|

Free Desktop Wallpaper for November 2017 – Hiking to Rummel Lake

This month's calendar image features the a scene from the Spray Valley as seen from the Rummel Lake trail. We went for an early winter family hike on a beautiful fall day. The trail was icy at the start and the snow gradually got deeper all the way up the pass. There was a foot or more of snow at the lake and the lake itself was completely frozen over. Fortunately it was a beautiful blue sky day and we had a wonderful hike!

2020-11-16T15:27:14-07:00By |Wallpaper|

Free Desktop Wallpaper for October 2017 РMontreal Biosph̬re

This month's calendar image features the Biosphère in Montreal, which is a museum dedicated to the environment. The geodesic dome was designed by Buckminster Fuller and built for Expo 67 in Montreal. The dome is one of many landmarks along the St. Lawrence River in Montreal and the mesmerizing lights on the dome are incredibly beautiful.

2020-11-16T15:27:16-07:00By |Wallpaper|